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Chrzaszcz, op. 23 - FL/OB/CEL

Composer: Waterhouse, Graham

Publisher: Zimmerman (Germany)

Edition: 69989


Chrzaszcz, op. 23
for flute, oboe, and cello
by Graham Waterhouse (b. 1962) - English composer and cellist

The "Chrzaszcz-Trio" was composed in the summer of 1986 for colleagues of Cambridge University and premiered in Warsaw in the same year. "The Polish word „Chrzascz“ (pronounced: „shonshtsh“) means "grasshopper" and was chosen as a title due to the wide leaping intervals and the abrupt rhythmical gestures present in the work " (quoted from the preface). This composition is short and not too difficult to realize. This edition comes with three performance scores.