Rondeau, Song, & Dance - SOLO BSN
Composer: Winteregg, Steven
Publisher: TrevCo
Edition: 1799 - 69143
Rondeau, Song, & Dance
for solo bassoon
by Steven Winteregg
Rondeau, Song, & Dance was composed for and premiered by Bill Jobert at Wright State University. The first movement, Rondeau, is a rhythmic movement based loosely on the rondeau form in which the "A" section continually returns. Song is based on the traditional ABA form and exploits half-step relationships. The last movement, Dance, makes use of various meters such as 8/8 with a 3+3+2 division and 5/8. The entire composition attempts to feature the rhythmic and melodic capabilities of the bassoon as well as make use of its extensive range.
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