Five Virtuoso Inventions - SOLO BSN
Composer: Sestak, Zdenek
Publisher: Schott (Germany)
Edition: 65086
Cinque Invenzioni Per Virtuosi del Fagotto (1966)
Five Virtuoso Inventions for Bassoon
by Zdenek Sestak (b. 1925) - Czech composer
Five Virtuoso Inventions for Bassoon
by Zdenek Sestak (b. 1925) - Czech composer
I. Recitativo, Molto Rubato
II. Allegro Giocoso
III. Seriosamente, Pensieroso
IV. Molto Allegro, Quasi Adiratamente
V. Recitativo, Molto Inquieto e Rubato
This piece is comprised of five separate movements which from an arc, moving from a serial-like style to tonality and back again. The first movement is especially interesting, forming a mirror of itself with tone rows and note clusters. Overall, a very rewarding piece.
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