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Fables from Aesop - VLN/BSN

Composer: Buss, Howard

Publisher: Brixton Publications

Edition: 58925


Fables from Aesop
for violin and trombone (or bassoon)
by Hoard J. Buss (b. 1951) - American composer
I. The Dog Who Chased a Lion
II. The Astronomer
III. The Camel Who Wanted Horns
IV. The Crow and the Pitcher
V. The Rabbits and the Frogs

Each of the five movements begin with a performer reciting the corresponding fable. One player may read all of the fables, or the players may alternate. If desired, a third person may be engaged as narrators. The narration should be done in a colorful and entertaining manner. The texts have been adapted by the composer and, as with all of Aesop's fables, there is a "moral to the story". The moral lessons have been left out of these renditions. It is hoped that each audience member will formulate his or her own aphorism as the suggestive music is being performed. 

Duration: 13:00