Selected Arias for Alto and Obligato Instruments, Book 3 - ALTO/OB/PN
Composer: Bach, J.S.
Publisher: Breitkopf und Haertel (Germany)
Edition: 58844
Selected Arias for Alto and Obligato Instruments, Book 3
for alto voice, oboe (or violin, flute, etc) and piano (or organ)
by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)- German Baroque composer
Other volumes in this series include:
for alto voice, oboe (or violin, flute, etc) and piano (or organ)
by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)- German Baroque composer
1. Ach, lege das Sodom/ Ich elender Mensch- BWV 48- with oboe obligato
2. Die Obrigkeit ist Gottes Gabe/ Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn- BWV 119- with flute obligato
3. Hochgelobter Gottesohn/ Bleib' bei uns- BWV 6- with English horn obligato
4. Ich will nach dem Himmel zu/ Wir mussen durch viel Trubsal- BWV 146- with obligato violin
5. Leget euch dem Heiland unter/ Himmelskonig, sei willkommen- BWV 182- with obligato flute
6. Erbarme dich, mein Gott- BWV 244- with obligato violin
Edited by Eusebius Mandyzewski. This edition comes with a part for soprano, a fully realized keyboard continuo, and an obligato instrumental part for oboe, flute, violin, and oboe d'amore, as needed. Other volumes in this series include:
10. BRK 7310: Selected Arias for Tenor and Obligato Instruments Book 3
11 BRK 7311: Selected Arias for Bass and Obligato Instruments
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